Functions and Features of the Best POS System for Bakery Needs

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Although largely operated similarly to cafes, bakeries introduce unique elements of retail as well. This main difference can make finding the best POS system for bakery businesses somewhat elusive. However, there are POS systems on the market that can fit into your bakery with ease when building a foundation with these functions and features.

It Starts with the Foundation

Any foundation serves as the single most important element for ensuring longevity and usefulness. When applied to POS technology in this business, it refers to how the architecture integrates and operates inside of the business. Perfecting this at the beginning saves time and money by preventing the possibility of an expensive or time-consuming POS overhaul.

In a bakery, where tasks can be messy behind the scenes yet perfect on the outside, the fundamentals of a POS system are simple to understand. Data and processes must be conducted in the cloud, giving staff the mobility to execute tasks from anywhere in the shop. Online ordering is also a must when building your foundation, especially when promoting your bakery as the “holiday go-to” or for catering special events.

Foodservice Done Right

Point of Sale systems

While your bakery can be retail at times, it is just as much a staple in the foodservice industry, which means it needs the same care and attention to kitchen processes. Just like the preparations that go into your baked goods, it is through harmonious management that your kitchen will run like a well-oiled machine. The right POS system should help keep your eyes on the rising dough while the technology monitors your shifting inventory.

Mobile POS systems allow for the ease of integration of kitchen display systems (KDS). This enables each person in the kitchen to see their tasks clearly. The seamless synchronization of everyone’s tasks feeding into the next person’s maximizes production, adds improved consistency of quality into your products, and deepens your ability to automatically monitor and manage the supply of ingredients you rely on.

A Dash of Retail

An effective bakery POS solution will give you multiple options for broadening the reach of your brand while making it easier for a customer to interact with your business. Your customers will want to see all of your products neatly displayed but also be able to reach them without wading through a checkout or order line. 

Offering online ordering provides customers with so many options, including: 

“Click and collect” and contactless experiences Virtual shelvesPickup schedulingSimple payment options give them control. 

pos systems

Inside your store, staff that is equipped with a tablet using your POS solution’s mobile payment app can minimize lines, getting customers in and out more quickly.

Top It Off with a Secret Ingredient

Every food-based business has that one specialty—the one secret ingredient that leaves a customer’s taste buds dancing in pleasure and anticipation. There is a similar trait to innovative POS solutions. It is the ability to provide enterprise-level data management and analytics at a small business price point.

Utilizing these advanced data tools gives you the ability to monitor changes in your business and respond preemptively. Using customized reporting, detailed graphs, and automated alerting, you can see emerging trends in real-time. This reduces your risks, prevents staff from spending time on manual or unprofitable tasks, and keeps your day-old bins empty.

What Is the Best POS System for Bakery?

Think of choosing a POS solution like it is a collection of tools that makes life easier for everybody. With tools like cloud-based and mobile features, online capability, and data tracking and management, these solutions will enable your bakery to function and grow. Choosing the right POS provider to partner with will further sharpen your tools and pave the way for your success.

Adding an experienced business and POS partner like talech sets you up for success in two key ways. First, your business processes will become aligned to top-notch technology features available in POS solutions. Second, the tools selected, like a POS system for a bakery, will be an exact match to your business needs. 

Author: Anya M.


Anya has consulted with restaurants, cafes, bars, and other eateries to help them grow and flourish. She loves teaching restaurateurs all about implementing the right point of sale system into their business.

This post was first provided on this site.

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