Keep your food truck stocked with these inventory management tools

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News & interesting posts on POS & POS System Hardware.

Enterprising small business owners often make the mistake of thinking of food trucks as the “easy version” of running a business. After all, you don’t have a location to keep up or property to pay for, and food truck staff is often kept to an affordable minimum. With all those benefits, it might be easy to think that such a business enterprise pays for itself with little additional work on behalf of the owner.

The fact is, nothing is further from the truth. Food trucks are a difficult business to manage. Being on the go, food truck owners find themselves in a constant battle between what they have in the truck, what their customers order and how long it will take to fill their endlessly depleting stock. This pressure is enough to close down the vast majority of food trucks shortly after they begin.

Modern point of sale (POS) systems may not seem like your first stop for inventory management, but the features they offer make them an ideal choice for food trucks. With advanced inventory management options and mobile capabilities, food truck inventory management becomes a breeze.

pos is Point of Sale


Balance demand vs. inventory

Food trucks need to be prepared for the orders coming through the window. This means knowing what your customers like and how much they would order in a given day/week/month while balancing those expectations against what you can feasibly provide. This leads to a couple of important inventory considerations:

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