Automated catering billing expedites payments and decreases paperwork

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Catering is a tough business. Between juggling customer demands and what you can actually do, the whole process can feel overwhelming. The most unexpected challenge, however, can come when the job is done and it’s time to settle up. Whether handling jobs on- or off-premises, invoicing solutions reduce error, painting your small business in the best possible light.

Common problems associated with invoicing include:

The important thing to note about these problems is that they cascade; if a customer comes back to you with an incomplete invoice full of mistakes, you have to:

Point of Sale systems

Spend the time to correct the invoice itself, and
Deal with the likelihood that you will lose said customer.

In this way, a single invoice error can consume your time, energy and money. Luckily, modern point of sale (POS) systems offer unique automation solutions to handle invoice processing for catering. This article goes into different features that let you handle payment and paperwork with ease.

Invoice processing for catering companies means working with customers of all types. Between weddings, birthday parties and holiday gatherings, clients all have certain expectations of how they wish to settle the bill. This means that, as the caterer, it is important to have solutions for each of them.

To handle these challenges, cloud-based invoicing systems integrate with your POS to allow customers to:

Add additional services (dance floor, bartender, clean up, ect.), automatically including the fees on their generated invoice.
View customer purchase history
Make changes to orders prior to delivery
Make online payments via check, credit card or even digital wallets.

pos systems

These features extend your reach to the largest possible audience, attracting customers who might not have used your services otherwise. The power of automation makes this even easier, allowing you to plug in these features and sit back from there. Giving your customers these features streamlines the invoice process and makes them feel secure with your small business.

In addition to making payments easier, POS solutions offer unique solutions to handle the paperwork involved with invoice processing. For catering, bringing your POS online ensures that your financial records are stored securely and readily accessible.

Automated invoice generation upon customers placing their order
Automated record-keeping facilitates reconciliation during tax season
Automated follow-up emails for overdue invoices

In addition, top-of-the-line invoice processing software automatically connects to your data analytics program. This gives you insights into your catering service — how it’s performing, what customers want and how you can improve it. Finally, the streamlined professionalism of managing invoice processing for catering services gives customers a solid impression of your small business.


best pos systems

Above all else, automation frees up you and your staff. By handling all the minutia of invoice generation and monitoring, you are free to address other demands of the business.

One of the best decisions you can make when it comes to invoice processing for catering services is automation.


Modern POS solutions make this a reality, offering a wealth of other features you can use to streamline your catering service. POS solutions like talech have worked with caterers for years, helping simplify invoice processing for catering to meet customer demands. Reach out today about a free demo and to learn more about how talech can be your valued POS partner.

The above post was provided on this site.

Point of Sale systems

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