Kitchen management 101: From menu planning to expediting orders

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Stories and important updates on POS System Hardware and POS.

By bringing your staff together, you streamline your daily operations and improve the overall customer experience. This also keeps your staff on the same page regarding daily operations and simplifies the overview process for managers. The best of all is that you can do these things through a single user-friendly interface capable of centralizing all of your essential needs.


Centralizing access and management

One of the biggest challenges to the restaurant industry is how disconnected it feels most of the time. Left uncentralized, staff find themselves assisting customers or preparing dishes without a good central idea of what is needed from them. This decentralization can be very costly for restaurants, resulting in:

Point of Sale

Poor customer experience
Lapses in inventory
Unnecessary strain on your staff

Areas like this are a perfect example of where your POS system can come in handy. Modern systems boast several features designed to streamline the management process, including:

Centralizing these management tools into your POS streamlines the kitchen experience. For example, let’s say a customer has a specific request on a dish—wait staff can type those instructions and automatically send it into the kitchen using a tablet. From there, the kitchen can check those requests against existing inventory to produce a dish that the customer wants.

The combination of these tools gives your kitchen a more professional image; customers will see you as capable of catering to demand while not straining the abilities of employees.


Dynamic staff management

Point of Sa

Anyone who has worked kitchens can tell you staffing is an endemic problem in restaurants. Oftentimes, shifts will be subject to staff misunderstandings that stem from everything from schedules to responsibilities. This results in a traffic jam the day of, with staff unsure of what they need to be doing. These jams result in delays in orders, stream between employees and can lead to being short-staffed during the busiest times.

Modern systems offer several features designed to help managers monitor their kitchen staff. These include:

Importantly, centralizing your POS as your primary kitchen management tool means more autonomy for your employees. By integrating with labor management solutions, you put more control into your staff’s hands. This avoids the top-down management style that so many employees (and managers) dislike, narrowing the gap between management and employees.

In other words, this system makes your kitchen feel more like home.


Kitchen management solutions for your restaurant

Best Point of Sale Systems

The ins and outs of kitchen management are no simple feat. It is a difficult process, and truth be told, there is no one tool that will magically solve everything. That being said, modern-day POS systems offer a number of eloquent solutions to streamline your kitchen. This affects the staff that work in it all the way down to the technology that they use. Your customers will notice this difference, making them more likely to visit again and to refer others.

Sometimes the best way to start your kitchen management journey is with the help of a trusted partner. We at talech have been working for years to help small restaurants meet their kitchen management needs. Our solutions are scalable to businesses of every size and are tailored to your specific needs. Reach out to us today about a free demo and to learn more about what we can do for you.

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