Modernizing a café to retain and build customers

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News and useful info on POS Solutions & POS.

Café customers can be fickle in the tastes and ambiance of the cafés they chose to visit. As café competition continues to heat up, so does the need for help to continue to attract and retain customers.

A café ePOS system is a tool specifically designed to help businesses like yours take that next crucial step forward. The right ePOS system will provide the modern, dynamic functions necessary to allow your brand to reach a greater audience. It also gives you the ability to provide quality services that are sure to keep them coming back.

Intuitive online menu

Having the creativity to make an engaging chalkboard menu is a great advantage. However, no matter how creative your in-store menus are, customers will not see them without first coming to your café. This is a perfect reason to implement an enticing online menu that projects the brand voice of your café.

Point of Sale systems

Several characteristics make an online menu work:

The menu is built using a web template provided by your POS partner.
The menu is integrated into your POS solution for faster and more accurate service.
It offers the ability to pay virtually and receive a digital receipt.
It can be updated almost instantly to reflect changes.

Versatile payment acceptance

The modern customer has slowly moved away from physical payment methods and more towards NFC or virtual payment options. Offering next-gen payment options will be a driving force in determining whether a customer will return to your café.

The ePOS functions you add to your café must accommodate this and offer several payment options to remain relevant. Having the ability to accept Apple and Google wallet payments, as well as NFC or EMV-chip card payments will present customers with another reason to return to your café.

Data-driven menu updates

What is next for your sales data after the transactions have been completed? Regardless of the data stored, you must have a way to break it down into usable information. The most capable ePOS solutions offer detail-oriented sales analytics that can be used to proactively manage your menu:

Point of Sale systems

Use elements from up-charge or adjusted orders to create new menu options.
Identify and eliminate under-performing menu options.
Monitor specials for accurate customer responses.
Utilize an online menu to make nearly instant updates.

Your online menu is the world’s way to engage with you before committing to a visit. Managing your menu using sales data keeps your brand in line with your customers’ expectations through their spending habits.

Support for QR codes and other contactless interactions

The contactless trend has become very popular to have in business over the past year. An ideal café ePOS system will step up to provide the ability to offer contactless interactions to your customers. There are some exciting elements that an ePOS system supports to keep customers happy and coming back for more:

Strategically placed QR codes that open your online menu for ordering.
Coordination between you, the customer, and third-party delivery services.
Simple takeout process.
Seamless curbside pickup options.

Leveraging the capability of an ePOS system to support a contactless strategy gives customers the ability to personalize their interactions. This will improve your reputation while freeing staff to focus on filling orders and providing top-notch customer service.

Support for just-in-time inventory controls

Best Point of Sale Systems

Appropriate inventory management can be elusive for café owners. Having accurate inventory prevents embarrassing shortages and limits financial losses due to overstocking. This is a great opportunity for ePOS solutions to and modernize the way you manage inventory in your café. An ePOS system leads you on a path away from manual counts and towards data-driven options.

The advanced data management and analytics available in the top ePOS systems utilizes a blend of data management and analytics. Using these ePOS tools makes using just-in-time, or par level, ordering an easy to manage reality. It reduces costs and fosters confidence in your customer base that your restaurant can keep up with their expectations.

Find the perfect match with a superior café ePOS system provider

A customer rarely gives a business a second chance. You need the most effective ePOS technology in place to make a great first impression—so let talech deliver.

Our support of small businesses does not stop at just ePOS system implementations. The consultants at talech analyze your business processes and to build a fully supported solution. The café ePOS system we utilize gives you the same power and capabilities enjoyed by any other type of business. Contact us to learn more about our ePOS solutions or to take part in a free demo.

This article was first published here.

best pos systems

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