Ways to boost restaurant productivity even with staffing shortages

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News and helpful information on POS & POS System Equipment.

The “great resignation” hit the restaurant industry particularly hard, leaving them with limited staff and challenging their daily operations. As a result, restaurant owners have sought to find ways around this shortage through technology. This, in turn, has prompted technology providers (particularly POS providers) to expand the capabilities of their equipment.

This article details how your POS can boost restaurant productivity despite a limited staff, specifically in terms of:

Online ordering
Employee evaluation

pos systems


Online ordering limits your staffing needs

The biggest challenge of the modern restaurant is dealing with limited staffing. The most elegant solution in recent years has come in the form of QR codes. Although they’ve been around for decades, they have found a new level of popularity with restaurant owners in recent years.

To implement this strategy, all you need to do is place a QR code on each of your tables. This means that when customers come into the restaurant, they can:

This strategy effectively eliminates the need for waitstaff, allowing customers to place orders online removes the need to interact with somebody until the food is brought out. The same goes for making alterations, which the customer can also do directly. Using this solution allows restaurants to run on a limited crew while still maintaining an air of professionalism.


Data analytics help you evaluate your existing employees

best pos systems

These features won’t eliminate your staff, however. For those you do employ, you want tools to monitor performance with some degree of accuracy. This is important in terms of a) rewarding high-value employees and b) identifying employees who may require further training.

Employee evaluation can be an abstract process, but POS providers offer a few concrete metrics to evaluate employee performance, including;

Sales data by employee
Labor cost reporting to indicate employee ROI

Despite your staff being limited, the fact remains that they are effectively the face of your company. Positive or negative reviews almost always refer to employee interactions. Data analytics programs keep a constant finger on this pulse, ensuring customer satisfaction and maintaining employee expectations.


Learn first-hand how your POS can boost restaurant productivity

Online ordering and employee evaluation tools allow even the smallest of restaurants to flourish despite limited staffing. They make your business function efficiently. They also project a modern image of your restaurant; for example, online ordering allows a restaurant to emphasize the importance of a contactless experience. This is increasingly important for the contemporary customer, especially in the wake of the covid pandemic.

For these reasons, we recommend considering whether your tools are designed for the modern market. POS providers like talech specialize in finding ways that a POS can boost restaurant productivity. Our solutions include all the features listed above and more to pad their bottom line and maximize their ROI. Best of all, we offer a free demo where you can try the system out for yourself.

The above article was first provided here.

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