What Is a Virtual Merchant? Considerations for Building Your Online Storefront

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Stories and useful posts on POS and POS System Solutions.

It is a rare day when any of us go without interacting with a virtual merchant in some way. A virtual merchant is essentially a business that does all of its selling in an online space. 

The forgoing of a brick-and-mortar location means that the online services a virtual merchant relies on must be easy to access and consistently up and running. It also means that POS and virtual technologies are the primary methods of attracting and retaining a customer base. 

From beginning the journey of creating your virtual storefront all the way to processing payments and ensuring quality products and support, your POS should be a tool you rely on. Below are a few questions to consider when becoming a virtual merchant and how the right POS system can help along the way.

What Are the Basics For Getting Started as a Virtual Merchant?


Becoming a virtual merchant is much like starting any other business. Although these are mostly retail-based businesses, other industries—such as restaurants or salons—have carved out virtual niches for selling their branded products. 

Regardless of your industry, there are a few critical elements you must address to launch your virtual presence. These include:

An online websiteThe ability to accept card or digital payments, including credit cards, eWallets, or select payment servicesA predetermined methodology for converting orders into products and then into shipmentsThe ability to monitor and report against all of the above

At first, it may seem logical to implement supporting software for each piece listed above, but taking this approach will be less than ideal. You will soon discover that ensuring the continuity of data from place to place becomes a large problem and makes it next to impossible to monitor without using time-consuming manual tasks to piece it all together. What you need is an integrated technology approach that keeps everything together.

How Do I Align My Online Presence With My Business Software?

Taking an integrated technology approach is a must to seamlessly coordinate all of the moving pieces in your business. This means that your customer-facing eCommerce presence must be able to readily communicate with all of your internal systems. Not only does this include the ability to quickly send order and payment information to your internal POS system, but it should include other sales aspects such as item views and abandoned cart information.

Best Point of Sale Systems

An ideal technology platform for a virtual merchant should start with a strong framework that runs uneventfully and yet faithfully behind-the-scenes. This framework will be in the form of a cloud-based, mobile-friendly POS solution that includes all of the functionalities that are required to manage inventory, track orders and payments, and coordinate shipping activities. 

Ensuring the smooth flow of information throughout your business cannot stop at your office, however. The POS systems that are most effective at managing sales from an online world are the ones that bring that world to you. The top-rated POS solution providers will give you an online, branded eCommerce website template that you can customize to suit your product lines. This places an attractive and intuitive online storefront in front of the customer quickly and gives you seamless integration into your cutting-edge POS system that keeps everything moving.

Do I Need to Change How Payments Are Processed?

The clearest answer to this question is one that involves several variables. For example, it is typically more likely that a merchant accepts the default terms in a payment processing agreement without first reading through the finer details. And even if you do sit down to read through the fine print, it is highly likely that your next move will be to locate an affordable attorney to guide you through all of the legalese.

It is unfortunate that many of the default terms offered by payment processors are not very business-friendly. Not only do they limit the amounts and types of payment that can be accepted, they often limit your maneuverability to add payment types or to make changes to reduce your overall costs. This makes the ideal payment processing situation one that is managed by your POS solutions provider and one that has experience in looking for favorable terms for small business owners.

The payment processing aspect of running your online storefront must be a vital decision point when selecting your POS service provider. This is especially important when you consider just how critical it is to ensure the security of multiple types of payment and the growing field of highly secure payment options that can include biometric authentication. You need a POS provider that understands this and flawlessly executes payment processing changes to meet changes in the market.

Will My Customers Still Receive Great Service and Product Support?

best pos systems

Simplifying the online ordering experience is just the tip of the iceberg when launching a virtual merchant business. All aspects of the ordering and payment process must run smoothly through an engaging and easy-to-use online portal. Your POS solution provider must give you the ability to integrate all of the pieces associated with your business and should be willing to negotiate favorable payment processing terms on your behalf. With the right POS system behind-the-scenes, your customers will benefit from supportive and streamlined services, further ensuring quality.

Building businesses is an exciting aspect of what talech does for the owners of eCommerce sites. We present you with all of your virtual merchant options and never let you stray away from the vital technology you need to boost the performance and customer service that you provide. 

Author: Ursula G.

Ursula worked her way through business school as a clerk at a small retail chain, and as a bartender for a local hot spot. She turned her hard work into real rewards as a business consultant specializing in technology for small and medium businesses, including POS systems.

This article was published here.

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